Eco Ness Blog

  • The Ultimate Guide to Eco-friendly Laundry

    The average person in the UK runs 13,000 wash cycles in their lifetime... and that laundry basket never seems to stop filling up!

    Read our blog post to find out how we can keep our clothes clean without putting the planet (and our brain...) through the spin.

  • 20 eco books for every member of your planet-conscious family!

    Eco-friendly book recommendations for babies, kids, teenagers & adults.

    Books are the perfect way to take a quiet moment, hone in, and seek guidance in a world gone mad. And better yet, they’re ideal for educating little ones on how to care for our planet, and their future!

    We’ve put our bookseller hats on and have pulled together a shopping list for next time you’re browsing the kindle store or in your local bookshop.

    Big change starts small, after all.

  • 20 Ways to Have a More Eco-conscious Christmas

    It’s nearly that time again, and what a wonderful time it is. We come together, we give gifts and thanks, and eat plenty of good food – and we’re not here to say no to any of it!

    But we can be more mindful with how we do it.

  • How to Be a More Sustainable Santa

    We all know the toll Christmas takes on the environment, with the over production of plastic toys, harmful animal testing for cosmetic products, and the resource drain of fast fashion Christmas jumpers alone, it’s hard to know where to step when it comes to present buying – especially for our kids.

    So, fill up their stockings with sustainable goodness, and let our friendly neighbourhood environmental activist, Santa Claus, be their new role model.

    Discover our tips to help you … um, Santa, achieve a more sustainable Christmas!

  • The Ultimate Guide to Zero Waste Wrapping

    To keep the UK stocked with wrapping paper each year, a forest the size of Wales needs to be cut down... and 227,000 miles of that same paper is then thrown away at the end of that same year. 

    That’s where we come in! Here at Eco Ness we have dedicated ourselves to finding you eco-conscious alternatives for any and all occasions, and right now you need gift wrap. Say no more.

  • 8 handmade gift ideas for Christmas you can make with your kids (+ how tos)

    Festive gifting doesn't have to mean buying brand new for each and every person.

    Making your own gifts can be much more personal, not to mention more sustainable for the planet!

    Here are 8 gift ideas that you can make yourself at home, all simple enough to do with your little ones, too.

  • How to have a Halloween that doesn’t scare the earth: 5 tricks for a lower-waste night

    Halloween can be brilliantly fun for the whole family, but there’s one scary thing to remember: it can be terrifying for the environment if you don’t make conscious choices. 

    If you’re lost on where to start to make sure your wee one’s don’t miss out on the fun this year while you stay green, we’ve got you covered!

  • COP26 for climate change: what is it and why does it matter?

    We know that you’re a conscious consumer doing your bit to help combat the rising temperatures our earth is facing (that’s why you’re here!). We recognise that it’s vital that change happens fast, if we want this earth to be here for future generations to enjoy. It’s our duty to protect it. 

    But are the leaders doing enough to support us? Are they actively working towards lowering emissions and reducing the strain on our environment?

    Later this year we’ll find out, as the world leaders come together for a global conference: COP26.

  • Sustainable summer? Sorted! 10 simple swaps for a happy planet

    Summer brings with it an exciting lineup of barbecues, holidays and plenty of time off school, so you’d be forgiven if sustainability isn’t at the top of your to-do list. 

    With all that fun, it can be easy to opt for less planet-friendly items in favour of convenience, we get it. But it’s less about being perfectly zero-waste all summer long, and more about the simple, everyday swaps we can make to work towards a better, more sustainable future.

    To help get you through the summer, here are 10 simple switches you can make!

  • How to be a more planet-friendly pet parent!

    According to one study, “owning a medium-size dog can have a similar carbon footprint to a large SUV”. So is it possible to be more eco-conscious with your choices?

    The short answer: yes!

    In this post we share our simple switches that you can use every day to reduce your environmental paw print.

  • Why we DON'T aim to be 100% plastic-free

    To mark the beginning of Plastic-Free July, we want to share with you why we DON'T aim to be 100% plastic-free at home or in our business.

    That might seem like a strange thing to say from an eco-friendly business, especially during plastic-free July but bear with us!

  • Bioplastics: Planet-saviours or secret polluters?

    The bioplastic industry is steadily growing, with increasing demand from producers to meet the sustainability savviness of eco conscious consumers. From products to packaging, these plastics are becoming key players in the move toward planet-friendly policies amongst plenty of household names.

    Or so it seems...